By period pains - 22/08/2015 10:47 - United Kingdom - Nottingham

Today, my period started again. I just finished a 17-day period 3 days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 890
You deserved it 2 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mads_nicole 19

Uhhhh might wanna go to the doctor OP...that doesn't sound good!

Is that amount of blood loss healthy?


I agree with many of the previous comments - time to go to the doctor. Some irregularity can be expected occasionally, depending on circumstance, but that seems very strange. Good luck with everything OP

My dad said he was always told never to trust something that bleeds 7 days and doesn't die, but 17 days? Damn.

MzZombicidal 36

A period is natural. You know what isn't natural? Dad jokes.

Queen_of_Night 20

Not a Dad joke. This came from the South Park movie.

NomeDMF 17

Are you currently on any kind of birth control? I had a friend who bled for over a month because of birth control. But if you're not, you should really see a doctor, OP.

It could also be two different periods. I use to have the same problem before birth control (along with HEAVY bleeding). I just recently went to the gyno and he said I could've been having two separate periods at once.

Darlin i would go see your doctor. It may be a problem

I know exactly how you feel! mine was 3 months and just finished 3 weeks ago.

shawnaishere 14

Hopefully yours doesn't come with such awful cramps. Like everyone else has said you should see a doctor.

Holy crap I'm so glad I'm not a girl honestly I don't understand how you guys do it

katydid91 31

Eh, you get used to it for the most part. It's just something that happens and you go on with your life. Not much else you can do about it.

Lol,what are you supposed to do? Cross your arms and stomp your feet then scream "I'm not dealing with this anymore"?

If it's okay, I'd consult a doctor. I live with 4 girls 1 week of each month the house is hell

might want to get that checked by a doctor OP.

olpally 32

Go to the doctor. For ***** sake!