By eggmarie - 10/07/2012 16:12 - United States - Lancaster

Today, my power finally came back on. I excitedly went and spent $100 to refill my fridge, only to come back home and discover the power is out again, and might not be back on for another three days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 441
You deserved it 4 025

eggmarie tells us more.

Going to answer major questions here: I'm a college kid. I live alone and have a small fridge. I shop at Walmart with coupons and that's how I managed to fill my fridge on $100. I have AEP and the power was on for a bit before it went back off (not enough time for the fridge to get cold again) so I assumed I was okay. Apparently it was a "test run" I borrowed coolers from family and got some ice. I just moved here a few weeks ago and haven't met many new people so I'm stuck at my house. Thank you for the well wishes and crossing my fingers that it's back sooner than anticipated!

Top comments

Time to get a cooler full of ice and make a new fridge for yourself :P

xXCherrryBombXx 6

all I can say is.. eat eat eat!


Om nom nom nom nom. Eat all of your food! (NOW!) but seriously just throw a big party...

To be honest, $100 worth of food isn't that much food where I live. Basically it's three days of meals (no feast)...

do you live in wv? cause the same thing happened to me..

Time to buy a cooler .. Or invite the neighbors over for a pig fest:)

SELL YOUR FOOD IN YOUR DRIVEWAY! Others may have ways to cook it (camping stove or a gas grill) and then you won't be wasting and can recoup some of your money.

How on earth is this a YDI??!! OP you have my sympathy. FYL

kimmyN 5

As a fellow Ohioan I feel your pain OP! That really sucks, I hope your power comes back soon!

By chance... Do you live in Logan county? Same thing happened to me!! Bad wind storm?

Fairfield. And yes, it was three bad storms in a row followed by intense heat.

That has got to suck. Hopefully it was only milk and beer you bought, enjoy the 3 days!