By kay51 - 24/11/2012 18:41 - United Kingdom

Today, my room-mates were inspired by a TV show to make a "douchebag jar", into which we have to put money every time we say something obnoxious. It seems like I can't open my mouth without having to cough up £10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 782
You deserved it 27 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

New girl? Try not to be such a douche, brah.

Well don't say stupid things. YOLO and swag are douchey so stop saying them.


winkydog4056 16

What I fail to understand (one of many) is exactly how calling someone a name after a bulb of vaginal cleansing fluid is the latest in insults.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

How do you not understand that? "A bulb of vaginal cleansing fluid". That is the perfect way to describe a specific group of dumb *****. But instead of calling them that mouthful, all you have to say is douche bag.

Why the hell is everyone YDIing this??

Mearemoi 14

Because OP apparently says a lot of douchey things.

Irises are red roses are blue I'm bad poetry, refrigerator :$)

alabamajoe77 3

Your a douche! That would be The New Girl.

Try not using £'s. That's very obnoxious.

Oh crap, give me a minute to inform England that they're obnoxious. I'll start with a phone call to the Queen! /sarcasm

I'm pretty sure we all know why your roomates made it, ha, they are trying to show you what you're doing, and possibly squeezing a little cash off you too(;

*"A fool and their money are easily parted"

Seems like your quite the douche. Or so they think...

perdix 29

Good thing I don't live with your roommates -- I'd go bankrupt! If you always say douchebag things, you should become an FML commenter. Saying douchebag things will earn you many thumbs up! You may want a new username. Kay51 looks a lot like KaySL and that name is taken.