By kay51 - 24/11/2012 18:41 - United Kingdom

Today, my room-mates were inspired by a TV show to make a "douchebag jar", into which we have to put money every time we say something obnoxious. It seems like I can't open my mouth without having to cough up £10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 782
You deserved it 27 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

New girl? Try not to be such a douche, brah.

Well don't say stupid things. YOLO and swag are douchey so stop saying them.


frottiejoy 7

being a natural douchebag cannot be helped

alphabetsoup25 4

People with british accents always sound so cute!

I guarantee that you'd be able to find an accent from Britain that you couldn't stand if you tried. For me it's my own.

I don't give a shit what you say in the privacy in your own home. I clicked "you deserved it" because you actually agreed to this.

muhnuqqa15 9

new girl, haha. I love Schmidt. try not to be a douche!

aliciaanomalyyxo 12

Lmfao I love new girl :) Schmidt is the best

FallenVampire321 0

Ah, douchebag jar... you gatta love New Girl-and Schmidt. Just try to keep your mouth shut and everything will be okay

hapy_pig098 13

One question who keeps the money ?¿?¿?