By heart of cold - 11/01/2016 09:12 - United States

Today, my roommate invited a couple of homeless gentlemen in to our house. After drinking all our beer, throwing up on our carpet, and repeatedly asking if we were planning on killing them, I asked them to leave. My roommate told them they're welcome back anytime. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 125
You deserved it 2 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a fine line between hospitable and stupid, but your roommate has firmly entrenched themself on the stupid side.


They threw up on the carpet? Why? Did you not have a bathroom to accommodate them? They may be homeless, but that doesn't mean they can't feel vomit traveling up the esophagus.... Oh yeah, slap your room mate as well....

Be glad it wasn't dirty Mike and the boys

For many people in the throes of an addiction, this is their 'rock bottom' -- bringing homeless types into the home, school or place of business to party with them when others are not available or no longer willing to be company. Time for you and Roomie to have a serious chat. FYL.

Your a dick, your roommate is a good guy

No, Ithink it is not a good idea to invite people who are homeless in. Giving them some food or clothes are fine but into your hourse, understanding may go a long way but it is dangerous. They are people and tthey can be dangerous. Not every homeless person probably not most, but I think the roomate shouldn't have done that, especially as OP is uncomfortable with it. OP is not horrible for not wanting them there. And giving the guys beer might have been a bad call, he doesn't know them and it is possible they were alcoholic - could be they aren't but you don't know them. could be the roomate wanted to be a good samaritans or they wanted friends for a party, but I think OP should talk to them about boundaries and safety.

I understand the roommate wanting to help, but I don't think it's ok to invite strangers into your house whether they're homeless or not. Maybe that's just me personally. If I were the roommate I would look for other ways to help. Buy them food, or clothes, or meet them for dinner somewhere or go to a coffee shop and buy them coffee and talk. But inviting them in your house isn't the smartest, and not just because they're homeless but because they're strangers. Plus, if his roommate isn't ok with it than he definitely shouldn't be doing it.

Well? Were you planning on killing them?

the thing is though, homeless peoplte are just that, homeless, alot of them have been homeless for long periods of time, they lose manners and even a lot of self control. especially with alcohol and mind numbing drugs. they have it tough, and even though a lot of them may be there because of themselves, a little understanding will go a long way. it sucks you had to clean up the mess (your room mate should have cleaned it) so FYL but still, just a tiny bit of empathy can go miles.

you gotta get a new room mate, or move out!

If your roommate thinks it's ok tolerate people treating your home with no respect, then I think it's to have a serious talk with him/her.

It's sweet how he thought about them and wanted to help out. But, personally I would of been pretty pissed if someone drank all my beer ? and I would of died if I would of had to clean up someone else's puke. ?

I'd start looking for the prices of apartments in your area because that's a fine line that was just broken