By heart of cold - 11/01/2016 09:12 - United States

Today, my roommate invited a couple of homeless gentlemen in to our house. After drinking all our beer, throwing up on our carpet, and repeatedly asking if we were planning on killing them, I asked them to leave. My roommate told them they're welcome back anytime. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 126
You deserved it 2 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a fine line between hospitable and stupid, but your roommate has firmly entrenched themself on the stupid side.


Don't think of yourself as someone with a cold heart. Tell your roommate that you're not willing to support other people's habits and if you don't have the balls to do that get a mini fridge keep your food and booze in there get a lock on your door and on your fridge don't give that key to anyone and keep any of your necessities locked up. Or if you can afford it either move or kick your roommate out. I've semi dealt with the same thing. Just stand your ground. You've got this shit op

Also make your roommate clean up the mess it isn't your fault that they spewed all over the place. If it were your friends then you'd have to take care of everything but that isn't the case. As I said stand your ground!!!!!!

christinaannxo 8

Sounds cruel but people are homeless for a reason. Still the homeless were wiser than your roommate: they had some idea that things were wrong, even if you were not actually going to kill them.

Sounds like one of my ex roommates. His "friends" stole my alcohol and my ipod. I ended up moving out of that apartment and when Spring came he got evicted (in Burlington, VT it is forbidden for Landlords to evict anyone between November 1 and April 1) and sent to a mental hospital and his friends got taken away in handcuffs because they had turned the place into a drug den. Hoping your situation turns out better.

Your roommate smokes should move.

hahaha bro you ****** up those adjective phrases big time