By QWERTY - 03/04/2011 23:20

Today, my roommate thought it would be a good idea to show me his huge new tarantula despite knowing that I have extremely severe arachnophobia. I ended up killing it with a book and apparently now owe him $500. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 190
You deserved it 18 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you sound an annoying, drama feeding, self loving teen. just saying "omg I would totally stand on it with like my platforms"


A lot of people on here don't seem to understand the concept of EXTREMELY SEVERE arachnophobia. Even with a moderate phobia, one has little control over their actions. OP's roommate couldn't have known this would be OP's reaction, but still, that was a dick move. So sorry you had to go through that, OP!

Friend is an asshole. He knows op is absolutely terrified and decided to show him anyway. I have zero doubt the friend tried to get it close to op, otherwise he would NEVER be in range of said spider. FYL

Do you actually have 'severe arachnophobia or did you self diagnose your self

your roommate is an ass, for sure.. but I can't help feel pity for the spider ?

I know I'm commenting years later, but I really hope you didn't spend $500. Regardless of who was in the right or in the wrong, tarantulas at the most cost a bit over $150 (and that's for a very very rare one). That being said, if he knew you had a severe case of arachnophobia and showed you his spider, I feel like he might have known you'd kill it and could make a quick payday off of you. If that wasn't his intention, it is still pretty messed up to do that to someone. Tarantulas look freaky enough to me, and I don't have arachnophobia.

papa_raatsi 9

He deserved it, so did the tarantula.