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By liu_kang - 16/03/2010 18:55 - United States

Today, my schlong decided to enter Mortal Kombat with my pants zipper. Guess which of the two won a flawless victory? FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 169
You deserved it 7 713

Same thing different taste


I bet the zipper won against the tiny 2inch you call a "schlong" lmfao!

Holy lolersnakes lol yeah, well nice little Kombat, I hope you didn't get instantly circumsized dude I feel sorry for ur schlong dude

Rethal 0

Ouch, people... does thus guy deserve to be put down about the size of his penis because he made a mistake?!? Honestly, the chances of him losing any part of it are slim... it just hurts a lot. Don't just hate on penises, people... about 75% of you like either your own, someone else's, or both. Plus, it's easier for it to get caught if it's longer. Seriously. Plus, about half of you have been in this situation (though perhaps not as bad), so...

KingJamesIII 0

omfg. I havnt laughed that hard in a while xD

fukyolife 0

#34 cum c me later... for the rest of u ppl this is a fake fml the op got it off of there's something abt Mary... op ur a jackass

solecism 0

Start with elastic waist pants, then drawstring, advance to button fly, and only then should you attempt to defeat zipper.