By it's a wonder I'm not illiterate as fuck - 12/04/2013 17:21 - United States - Roselle

Today, my school announced its senior motto for the year. For the second year in a row, it's "YOLO". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 000
You deserved it 5 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sometimes it's a pain to be intelligent in this generation

TheDoctor10 28

The motto for the senior class at my school is class of swag. I'm glad I'm a junior. Definitely sucks OP

Ours was YOGO- You Only Graduate Once. But I mean, college? Most of us went so it was just stupid....

Yolo= Youth Obey Lucifers Orders Haha in all seriousness though that sucks FYL