By Anonymous - 19/09/2009 15:20 - United States
adamas117 tells us more.
OP here. it was late when i sent the text, and wasnt really focusing on what i was doing. because the text was about my date, i was thinking about her, and subconciously went to her name instead of my friend's. its all good though. i explained the situation to her, and she understood.
Top comments
Just tell her that that's "...That's something to be proud of That's a life you can hang your hat on That's a chin held high as the tears fall down A gut sucked in, a chest stuck out..." You know, boost her confidence
mine disappeared and someone else's is there. i shall repost
I agree with #47.
#33 is a douchenugget edit - DAMMIT RACHEL STEALING MY GLORY
You'll know if she is a keeper if she replies "and no small dick jokes either."
why didn't you just tell her? it surely wouldn't have been that bad! okay, maybe you did... whatever, FYL.
I always text the wrong person by mistake! my one friend I text the most out of everyone I have and so I usually just pick the most recent person and sometimes I forget I texted someone else more recently and send it to them without looking
Just tell her that that "...That's something to be proud of That's a life you can hang your hat on That's a chin held high as the tears fall down A gut sucked in, a chest stuck out..." You know, boost her confidence
So I guess you can't chew this moment over with a Twix...
Sure, you just need the second bar :P
Mine are quite small. I mean, you can tell I'm a woman, but they're not big floppy *******. I'm overall really little and petite. Sorry to disappoint.
Well I guess there are going to be three big boobs at that dance.
Well that's a good thing then, I'm glad you got it straightened out.