By married - 16/10/2010 12:31 - United States

Today, my sister and I were both on Facebook, updating our statuses. I set mine to "just got released from hospital with Baby Lily", as I'd had a baby earlier this week. My sister set hers to "menstrual blood smells like shrimp". Her status got 37 likes. Mine got none. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 553
You deserved it 7 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Detail what afterbirth smells like on your next status. Try to outdo her.


spartan_girl 0

I think it's weird that your sister got so many "likes" on her status, but maybe it's some sort of running joke with some of them, and then others just joined in on the liking. Or maybe she just has weird friends! As for no one liking your status, maybe your friends haven't been on facebook as much (especially if most of your friends are adults who are too busy to be on facebook constantly). Or, if you're one of those new moms who has had 10 status updates a day about your pregnancy, going into labor, and then the first hours/days of your baby's life, maybe your friends are just sick of seeing it! But really, enjoy your time with your new baby, she'll grow up fast! And don't worry so much about what people do/say on facebook...

because everyone should obviously tan and get skin cancer/ sunburn

adorkable_spazz 0

first off, congrats. secondly, i'm sorry that no one liked your status. maybe no one was online at the time or something, and when they got online, they probably didn't see your status. now, go feed your baby. [:

TheZarola 10

How is this an FML? You're getting upset over something pointless on Facebook?

XbambiX 3

OP stop whining,get ur lazy ass of the Internet,

that's pretty nasty why would that be your status? the shrimp I mean.... like wtf guys don't find that hot that's gross... lmao

wow ur sis is rly wierd but OP if i was ur friend on fb id love ur status and ask 4 pics of the baby

HamsteronA 0

called sun-block. Worthy investment.

So you're old enough to have a baby but not mature enough to quit competing with your sister over facebook likes? Grow up. Get off facebook and fmylife and go check on your baby.