By Sisterly Love - 02/01/2015 05:37 - United States - Saline

Today, my sister compared me handling the news of recently being told that I have a devastating and very possibly fatal autoimmune disease, to that of a teenager being melodramatic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 106
You deserved it 2 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kewpiesuicide 29

My brother has ALPS (autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome). It's super rare and has a high fatality rate but as he got older, his body fought it off. Now he's healthy as a horse. Don't give up!

That's not easy to hear, especially from someone close. I hope you are going to be ok, OP and that you receive some better support.


As a person with a chronic, painful, degenerative, autoimmune disease, I can sympathize with you, OP. I would like to suggest that you learn everything you can about your condition, and research any medications they try to put you on. Also, find a support group of people with the same illness. I found several on Facebook, and they have helped me greatly. With a chronic condition, especially one that others can't "see," people (like your sister) tend to think you are overreacting. Its also possible that the thought of you dying is hard for her to wrap her mind around, and she is trying to minimize the seriousness of your condition. I find the support groups helpful because they don't judge you and know exactly how you feel. Good luck and gentle hugs.

OP just got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. The sister can be supportive for a little while and focus on OP's problems. Right now, OP needs as much love and support as she can get. Even if the sister did feel like OP wasn't listening to her, she didn't have to be so insensitive. She'll get her chance to talk.

News like that is hard to hear. I can only imagine how you're feeling right now, OP. What your sister said is just awful, but try not to let it get to you. Good luck, and take care of yourself. Stay strong, and never give up! P.s.: like somebody else said on here, I really hope there's support groups in your area that you can go to so you don't have to deal with your situation alone.

Goth_Hawk 28

I have Multiple Sclerosis, while not being life-threatening, it was still a major blow during an already emotional period of my life, and the lack of emotional support I had from family was devastating. I empathize with you and hope you can find someone who will be there for you.

the same thing happened to me when I found out I had a large brain tumor. Everyone said they'd support me at first but when we found out it was a benign cyst (Though I still experience symptoms) they called me dramatic and worse. People are horrible, even family at times. Wishing you the best OP.

Violord 13

I have an autoimmune disease too, but nothing like that. Fight it hard.

more people in America have autoimmune diseases than cancer but there's no pretty ribbon, no parade, no fundraising, no nothing for us. Why? because "anything can cause your condition" and no one wants to research it. **** doctors, 90% of their job is guesswork anyway.

JoseIsAdork 31

Sorry to hear that Op, I can imagine it's very hard news to be given and I can imagine you need all the support you can get! I'm sorry your sister dismissed the severity of the situation but perhaps she really is upset and worried by the news. Unfortunately human emotions are so complex, her fear or worry may have been too hard for her to process and so shrugging it off in front of you may have been her way of trying to cope, as silly as that sounds. When in solitude she may have displayed her emotions differently, that's giving the benefit of the doubt. I hope that you will feel well soon though, the best thing you can do right now is not to make yourself sick with worry on top of everything else! Feel Better!

I know what your going threw i am being tested for lupus. i hope everything gets better :D

As a genius doctor by the name of Gregory House once said: "It's never lupus." So that means your doctor screwed up