By Alice99 - 12/11/2013 17:39 - United States - Bothell

Today, my sister introduced our parents to her new boyfriend. He's my boyfriend, and he told me he was going to be out of state for a few weeks on business. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 002
You deserved it 4 023

Alice99_fml tells us more.

I feel like my post didn't have enough information. No, my sister did not know we were together. I had not introduced him to my family yet. Yes, I did break up with him. No, I did not feel bad about it. Yes, my sister ended it with him after I told her what was going on.


Tali147 16

What if OP is an insane, jealous psycho who thinks that's her boyfriend??

perdix 29

Sounds like some... *Lowers sunglasses* risky business. "Just take those old records off the shelf..."

*walks in* hi I'm your boyfriend's twin Ron your boyfriend told me so much about you.

he's not worth being your boyfriend. he cheated, and is really stupid, otherwise he would've known you're sisters. OP, you deserve someone way better than him.

kyu_Q 19

While he is a two timing asshole, not all sisters resemble each other. They both should best the cap out of him though

Rainhawk94 27

Has to be a twin brother. Or he's a douche....and your sister is a bitch

We don't really have enough information to gather whether the sister knew the guy was her sister's boyfriend, so there's no reason to call her a bitch. From the FML I assumed that she didn't in fact know - otherwise why on earth would she introduce him to her parents? But the (hopefully ex) boyfriend? Oh yes, a douche. He's the idiotic asshole who didn't realise he was dating two sisters. (Or he knew, which doesn't make him any less of an idiot and makes him an even bigger asshole).

...... how does that even happen? And what were their reactions?!? *grabs popcorn* :)

Ok, yes. that does stink. But how the heck did he get away with it until now?