By fish killer - 25/03/2011 21:52 - United States

Today, my sister presented me with an "official pet killer" award after yet another goldfish under my care died of unknown causes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 766
You deserved it 10 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I killed six goldfish when I was younger. I think I fed them too much.

alright @71 a goldfish lifespan is definitly not 6 months where the hell u get that from?


I remember my toilet was clogged and my goldfish died so I tried to flush it down. then I had to un-stuff the toilet but I didn't know the fish didn't go down so fish guts started floating up on the toilet. It was a fun dat

perdix 29

So, when's your day to watch Mom?

it's a goldfish there cheap for a reason

I buy em a dozen at a time as feeders for my piranhas

awardZu 0

I feed them to my lionfish! It's great to watch him snap them up!

Capt_Awesome137 0

I've killed 5 of my pet dogs and I haven't got an award :(

sphinx420 0

you should be banned from having pets

vip3r20 8

how do kill a dog??? that's practically impossible, unless you did it on purpose...O_o only reason I can see is like running it over on accident

Capt_Awesome137 0

jk.......didn't realize I forgot to add that at the end. like I would really kill 5 dogs :/

Capt_Awesome137 0

its almost like you people don't even know me.

sepdps 0

That happened to me one mama and I were leavin for school and our corgi was underneath the car:,( RIP Ellie!! <3 :,'(

Actually, goldfish can live 10-20 years with proper care. I think the record is 43 years.

Random fact time: they can also grow up to a foot long if given a larger space. They basically grow as much as they're comfortable with given their living space, and then just stop. :D Being a nerd ftw.

haha id be awesome to see peoples reactions

nbowe825 1

If it's any consolation those fuckerz croak if u look at them wrong lol

Let me're keeping more than one goldfish in a BOWL instead of a tank with a filtration system?