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By fish killer - 25/03/2011 21:52 - United States

Today, my sister presented me with an "official pet killer" award after yet another goldfish under my care died of unknown causes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 768
You deserved it 10 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I killed six goldfish when I was younger. I think I fed them too much.

alright @71 a goldfish lifespan is definitly not 6 months where the hell u get that from?


asnakelovinbabe 16

you probably had it in a bowl... like all of the other morons out there who think it's acceptable. goldfish don't belong in bowls people... and that's not how they are. healthy goldfish live 15 years and longer! And they don't stay small either! YDI unless you had it in a tank with filtration and adequate space.

MourningLight 2

a goldfish is fine in a bowl. they suck anyway so y waste the damn money on a tank and filter?

Lauaries8 16

Every time goldfish breathe they secrete a film which floats to the top of the bowl. Without proper filtration, if enough of the film gathers, it can cut off the oxygen supply for the fish and it will suffocate.

Dogluvr1197 30

It also could've been the ammonia; the goldfish couldn't have been in the bowl for that long, and knowing how messy goldfish are, it could have died of ammonia poisoning.

Awwe my fish jumped out of its tank a few days ago and I just now found it dried up dead on the carpet.

Do you not feed it? Why did it take you so long to find it?

#177 I did feed it, it likes to hide in its cave and doesn't come out when I feed it so I didn't notice. I just felt that i hadn't seen it in a while so I started to look for it.

goldfish die so easy because they are too restricted. they need a tank with a filtration system. they grow to be pretty big if you take care of it right.

denvan 0

wow PETA will be after you "pet killer" tsk tsk

With every comment I'm reminded more and more of the wonders of abortion, and the necessity of time machines.

CommonSenseKarma 17

whyserious, I think "Do you have online?" was referring to how you mentioned Xbox in your bio. Do you have Xbox LIVE... I lolz at all this cuz my sister is a failure at trying to keep fish alive... there should be a marble wall memorial for them all ;D

Cheesehead72 0

lol, how did this get past moderation?

hamsmum 2

I have owned 4 budgies, 3 crazy crabs and 3 fish and managed to have all die with in 3 months. Luckily for me I have had a better track record with my son and cat hahaha. They call fish 'disposable pets' for a reason. Because they die so easily.

Angel_of_Death66 0

well u would die if u were forced to live in ur own shit in a tiny bowl while the idiot kept feeding you to much