By Angus - 17/09/2015 19:48 - France

Today, my son had a secret party. At first I was mad, then I had a complete and total Incredible Hulk meltdown when I realized that he had opened a bottle of very expensive whisky, originally bottled by my great great grandfather in Scotland, and used it as a mixer with fucking Pepsi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 031
You deserved it 2 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as it won't replace the sentimental value in the slightest I would get him to pay for two or three times the value of the whiskey, and generally make his life hell for a while

Bright side, no jury in the world will convict when this goes to trial for murder.


Sounds like you need to smack the blarney out of that tosser with your shillelagh.

xhanabananax 6

If it was made in Scotland it's actually spelt 'whisky'! Whiskey with an e refers to Irish whiskey! Just sayin'

I hope you killed him. He deserves to be killed.

Mate, this is the worst thing I've read on this website!

This is worded perfectly!! Totally saw it play in my head as I was reading and hilarious!!

I can't even imagine how mad you must have been, I now I would have killed the kid, I'm really sorry

Jwaye2 7

Im sorry but the kid needs to die