By Angus - 17/09/2015 19:48 - France

Today, my son had a secret party. At first I was mad, then I had a complete and total Incredible Hulk meltdown when I realized that he had opened a bottle of very expensive whisky, originally bottled by my great great grandfather in Scotland, and used it as a mixer with fucking Pepsi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 031
You deserved it 2 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as it won't replace the sentimental value in the slightest I would get him to pay for two or three times the value of the whiskey, and generally make his life hell for a while

Bright side, no jury in the world will convict when this goes to trial for murder.


I felt my heart physically sink. I think I'm going to cry, now. No, seriously… getting misty-eyed, here. I am so sorry for your irreplaceable loss, OP. Teach that brat the value of antiques, using all the force available to you!!

AirBusDriver 23

A drop of water maybe, but pop??? You have my sympathy.

LunaJoyce86 15

sorry, but that's what you get for leaving something so expensive and valuable in a place where a teen could get their hands on it to begin with.

Teens aren't so incompetent as you seem to think.. Since the son lives with op, unless there's a combination safe with a fingerprint scanner, a kid can get access to most things in the house. I was able to pick some locks in my house by the time I was twelve, if I couldn't find the key

Are teenagers animals that can't control themselves or think? You just rape cultured a bottle of whiskey, congratulations.

As a teen, I NEVER stole from my parents. Alcohol or valuables. Op's son knows better, just is self absorbed and a complete idiot.

I am outraged with you. He had to have known about that whiskey because being that special and expensive I am sure you told him about it. Make him pay you back the cost. Even if it takes him until adulthood. This will teach him to respect your things and to buy his own alcohol when it's legal or otherwise. Plus he will learn to think twice before he does something.

The nerve of him! He should have used Dr. Pepper!

if he would have used coca cola I would not have been upset, but ******* pepsi, come on.

If you can't spell Whisky the Scottish way you dont deserve to drink it

Seems like it would of been a good idea to lock up your alcohol. Or at least tell him not to touch that whiskey.

yeah, because teens having a secret party would totally listen.

Long story short: the kid should be held responsible for his own actions at this age. He owes you monetary value plus sentimental. You now have permission to sell or pawn any electronics, or valuables of your kids. No computer, Xbox, play station, TV, phone, or car. And hold him accountable for the difference, to be paid back in short order. If you don't actually punish him, he won't learn.