By Anonymous - 28/08/2012 04:29 - Canada - Montreal

Today, my son, who seems to think that he is a "gangsta" despite being a white boy from the suburbs, cried because I accidentally burned his grilled cheese. He's 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 824
You deserved it 6 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Son: "You be grillin my cheese all wrong, yo. Get out my face, bizniych. *cries*. Imma make this shit myself..*phone rings*...Oh hello, mr. Hildebrandt, yes I will be at the office on Tuesday *hangs up*....pshh that boy be tripping...**** we're out of red kooilaid. Oh heyyl noo. No koolaid?!?! *cries*"

lol. I actually have passionate hate for those white boy "gangsta". Or "wiggers" as they sometimes call themselves.


RedPillSucks 31

he just a grill cheek racist. you forced him to eat dark bread when he only wants white bread. but you know once you go black.... you... you ... you love cheddar...

28 and apparently still living at home. You have a over achiever on your hands I can tell.

You can't just go around burnin' a homey's grilled cheese. Do you know how hard it be to find a ho that can cook? No, but in all seriousness...what a pansy.

Anyone who tries to be 'gangster' at over age 14 is just pitiful

What if they actually are...and not trying? There's alot of gangs out there and there's not many 14 year olds to go along with them.

Tell him to get up and make his own damn grilled cheese then. & while he's at it hand him a newspaper and tell him to start looking for a new place to sleep...

bombcop 3

Really? 28 and at home? There comes a time when the little gangsta needs to be booted from the nest, he is there.

dog1999 2
fhockeygirl25 1

Gangsta's are just another definition of cry-babies