By Anonymous - 28/08/2012 04:29 - Canada - Montreal

Today, my son, who seems to think that he is a "gangsta" despite being a white boy from the suburbs, cried because I accidentally burned his grilled cheese. He's 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 824
You deserved it 6 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Son: "You be grillin my cheese all wrong, yo. Get out my face, bizniych. *cries*. Imma make this shit myself..*phone rings*...Oh hello, mr. Hildebrandt, yes I will be at the office on Tuesday *hangs up*....pshh that boy be tripping...**** we're out of red kooilaid. Oh heyyl noo. No koolaid?!?! *cries*"

lol. I actually have passionate hate for those white boy "gangsta". Or "wiggers" as they sometimes call themselves.


YDI for making your 28-year-old son a sandwich. I realize it's hard for people to live on their own but that doesn't mean he's incapable of cooking. Or at least, he shoudn't be...kick his lazy ass out into the gangsta world and he'll find out how un-gangsta he is.

Maybe you should kick him out of the house ... or at least stop fixing him sandwiches.

DaGrimRetard 8
DomAce 4
jecm 4

Tell him to grow up and make his own grilled cheese if it's that damn important Demand respect!!

Seems like he was just having an emotional day. Hell at least he doesn't cry for no reason like most of us girls (including me)

sounds like you need to drop him on the streets, give him a cement pill and tell him to harden the f*&k up.

sammyjanette 17

This use of the word "wigger" is disgusting, and who the **** said you had to be non-white to be a gangster? Al Capone anyone? One of the most prolific gangsters alive.

zappo1214 2

I have a hard time believing that this actually happened. Is it really that hard to make a grilled cheese?

davidn 0

Tell the "Gangsta" to put down the crack pipe