By Anonymous - 28/08/2012 04:29 - Canada - Montreal

Today, my son, who seems to think that he is a "gangsta" despite being a white boy from the suburbs, cried because I accidentally burned his grilled cheese. He's 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 824
You deserved it 6 542

Same thing different taste

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Son: "You be grillin my cheese all wrong, yo. Get out my face, bizniych. *cries*. Imma make this shit myself..*phone rings*...Oh hello, mr. Hildebrandt, yes I will be at the office on Tuesday *hangs up*....pshh that boy be tripping...**** we're out of red kooilaid. Oh heyyl noo. No koolaid?!?! *cries*"

lol. I actually have passionate hate for those white boy "gangsta". Or "wiggers" as they sometimes call themselves.


hmm true point but i don't think someone who lives in the suburbs is likely to be in a gang?

Darkmagic666 9

My cousin who's 21 and white claims to be a "gangsta" as well. He also says he has "shwagger"(yes I know that's not how it's spelled but that's how he pronounces it). Oh and he claims his rapper name is Slim Swag.

Why are you still making grilled cheese for your son? He needs to grow up.

blackvyper 8

Burning a man's grilled cheese will turn even the hardest thug into a wimpering sack of nothingness.

Pathetic on all counts! Cries over burned toasted cheese sandwich, still lives at home at the age of 26, is a "poser"! But you are his mom - How did he wind up in this sad, sorry state?

YDI for even cooking for your 28 year old son. Why can't he cook his own grilled cheese? When I was 15 I was cooking the worlds best duck flambé.....

KiddNYC1O 20

Aren't the kkk original white gangstas?

A cracker from the suburbs of Canada thinks he is a strait g? That's funny as hell.