By textfail - 28/02/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, my teacher confiscated my cell phone for text messaging. He said he would give it back if the next text that I would receive was important. I prayed the guy I've been texting didn't send the dick pic he said he was going to. He did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 071
You deserved it 104 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so did your teacher give you your phone back? hahh

She was texting inappropriate things to this guy, too anal about it? The guy sent her a dick picture WHILE SHE WAS IN CLASS....>_< THIS is why the teachers are too anal about it.



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Was the cruel joke gluing your caps lock down?

alwaysalady 0

Why do you want a picture of a man's dick? I'm sorry, but genitalia is not a mantel piece and I wouldn't want a photograph of it.

apparently you don't appreciate the beauty that is the human body! prude or fat, either way you Suck!

A teacher can't confiscate anything, he/she can only rob it. The teacher can only demand that you put it away or on the teacher's table until the lesson ends. Still, no texting during class is a reasonable rule. And sending (at least such kind of) pornography is just... childish? Especially suring class. Note that you can sue your teacher if he/she looks in your messages, that's a very serious violation of your privacy.

It depends on the school because when I was in high school if your phone went off they would give it to the principal and you would have to pay like 25$,but you could use your cell phone in the hall between class and at lunch.

Oh man, why do you tell someone to send you a picture of his dick?!

ionelementz112 0

#4 I agree. If a student doesn't want to pay attention in class, that's the student's decision. The student should be forced to learn the material some other way. I have a classmate that plays Nintendo DS during class. He failed a test and bitched about how hard it was. I wanted to smack him, but at least he started paying attention. It's his choice if he wants to throw away a $32k/year education.

Except many districts retain/fire teachers based on student performance. Not to mention the fact that student performance averages affects federal/state funding for the school as well as the desirability of the school district and therefore plays a role in housing prices.

sweetjosephine 0

Did the teacher opne up the text? If so, he was way out of line and I'd take action- he has a right to tke yoru phone when you're supposed to be doing class work, but he has no right to see what you're talking about. Or did the picture immediately flash on the screen when it was sent?

Just as a disclaimer from my above comments - there is a time and a place for everything. If this was in the middle of a lesson, it's a dumb thing to do. If this was independent study or otherwise not a situation in which a lesson was not being taught, who cares what you do? Ultimately, we live in the land of "do what you're told," a place where you learn to sign your name before you are taught how to read. That's where the problems start.

Totally agree with #35. Surely he/she knew that it wasn't allowed to text during lesson. And I repeat again... You told someone to send you a picture of his dick?!

#37 There's no right the privacy on campus.

#31, neglecting your education and not following the rules in order to text your friends is not behaving like an adult.

Oh, and moreover, I forgot: out of the context I get the impression you told your teacher that your conversation was important and he therefor shouldn' t take your phone away - bad, bad kid, shouldn't have lied. The little sins god punishes at once. ;)