By textfail - 28/02/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, my teacher confiscated my cell phone for text messaging. He said he would give it back if the next text that I would receive was important. I prayed the guy I've been texting didn't send the dick pic he said he was going to. He did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 071
You deserved it 104 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so did your teacher give you your phone back? hahh

She was texting inappropriate things to this guy, too anal about it? The guy sent her a dick picture WHILE SHE WAS IN CLASS....>_< THIS is why the teachers are too anal about it.


I know you aren't supposed to text during classes, but shouldn't the teacher have just giving her a hard warning (pun intended, dudes) or had her turn the phone off instead? The only inappropriate thing about this is the teacher hijacking her phone and scanning her messages.

The dude you're texting has time to take and send a picture of his dick to you in the middle of the day? LOSER!

4uck_this_5hit 0

I agree with #65 texting is texting and to all saying "how dare you disrespect the teacher" and all the other good shit you know damn well you did not pay attention to every single word and sentence spoken by every teacher.....although wrong time to recieve a dick flick....shame shame shame but the texting i dont really give a F*ck about i do it too f*ck em just gotta be more discreet about your shit

There is a reason why texting is banned in classes. The incessant clicking that texting makes can be very distracting. If you aren't going to pay attention to class, get out. I don't care if you are a high schooler... It is so rude, teachers spend HOURS planning their lessons for classes and do more than you could think of for you. You may think they are mean or whatever, but that doesn't take away from all they do to help you survive in the real world. On the other hand, looking at your texts is a BIG no no. As a teacher, I would NEVER look at someone's private information. #24, some people find genitalia sexy.

Ouch. Totally a "you deserved it" moment. I don't think that texting in class is that big of a deal, as long as its not distracting anyone else, but texting penis' back and forth in class...........yeah.

jadorexmariell 0

omg, i wouldnt of given them the phone.

mizled 0

Why didn't you turn your phone off first? set a lock so the teacher needed a password to see anything. THAT would have been the smart thing to do....

Stop getting caught texting in class, you're ******* it up for the rest of us :(