By teach - 14/11/2010 07:31 - United States

Today, my teacher turned around from the blackboard and screamed, "Stop chewing your gum like a cow!" That wasn't so bad.--The bad part was when she realized it was me, she apologized saying, " I am sorry. You are not really a cow. I don't want to traumatize you; you're just overweight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 292
You deserved it 8 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

0opsie 6

YDI for chewing your gum like a cow. That's really annoying to everyone else who's too polite to say anything.


EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! You chew your gum loud enough for other people to hear it and tell you to cut it out??? Hope you realise how disgusting that habit is. Sorry you're overweight though.

being overweight is just as deadly as smoking! you should be thanking him for the heads up (:

YDI for being fat and chewing gum, are you so ******* fat that not even during class you can stop thinking about eating and as so start chewing on your gum instead? Go out and ******* lose some weight instead of sitting here like a damn fatso on FML.

Holy crap. Take a chill pill, dude. Not everyone who chews gum chews it to stave off hunger...

Hey #68, I'm not seeing any ******* GQ models in that pic to the left of your comment. Someone needs to pop you one right in word hole.

I thumbed you up simply becaused you spelled "lose" correctly. Bravo. :)

oh i get it cause you probably thought she meant the CHEWING to be like a cow's, not your appearance. that sucks.. sue the teacher! :)

batgirl_babygirl 0

ugh ydi!! I hate when ppl chew loud! can't you hear urself??!?

wriptidez 0