By Anonymous - 25/04/2014 21:21 - United States - Marlboro

Today, my teenage daughter tried to convince me that the UK is a part of Canada. After I pulled out a map to prove her wrong, she got all angry and defensive, and said that nobody's perfect at "geometry". My daughter is an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 193
You deserved it 11 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrownedMyFish 18

Idiots are not exclusive to America.


This has got to be the nightmare of all parents... The moment they realise they raised an idiot.

Well....If this was 1867 she wouldn't be wrong.

Americans think we're British, British people think we're American. "Are you American, you called your mother Mom?", "Are you British, you spelled colour with a U?". It never ends...

British people don't think you're American, we just think you sound American because we aren't accustomed to differentiating the accent. it sounds a bit American to us, an quite poorly we make the assumption that a Canadian person is American.

Did you drink while you were pregnant with her...

Who raised this super genius? Takes an idiot to know (raise) an idiot.

Can I just say im 17 and I didnt need my parents to tell me the UK and Canada were different countries? I just had to look at a map for 20 seconds when I was 10. You guys really need to stop blaming parents for everything. Why dont you blame adult fmls on parents?

I used to think Germany was in Asia and the Koreas were in Europe. Learned my lesson freshman year.

maggiefox 25

Hey there is an upside to this... You won't have to pay for college! :D

I'm pretty bad at geometry, but i know the difference between the study of shapes and the study of the earth