By someoneelsessaliva - 05/06/2010 06:59 - Australia

Today, my two friends and I went to the movies. One of my friends brought my crush. They started making out, leaning over the armrest, until they were practically in my lap. Saliva got on my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 463
You deserved it 4 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WHAT THE ****? Ew!!! Some great friends you have -_- FYL. But YDI for not saying anything. Maybe it's just me but I'd be like, "GTFO me now and go slobber all over each other somewhere else."

That's ur fault shouldve asked her to go first... your friend is just tryin to be a douch....


unconscious friend, & dead crush. :) problem solved, Kay?

I will never respect anyone over the age of 13 who uses the word 'crush' as a noun.

I would have spat on them, "You give me your saliva il give some back!"

OMG. you shoulda pushed 'em off o you and yell out, "go fck each other somewhere else". Just so everyone there could hear. ;D

ick, now you know it would be no fun to kiss that guy. let her have him!

Wow. I'm so sorry! At least you found out who your real friends are! --- In case you didn't realize it, the friend that made-out with your crush is NOT your real friend. That was a very catty thing to do. Dump the friend, find a new crush.

how old are you guys? I'm assuming that from their behavior they are at least 13. WTF

kaelyn_p 0

that happened to me once, ii feel for you girl. FYL (and mine.)