By Abendigo77 - 14/01/2013 04:49 - United States - Healdsburg

Today, my vegan boyfriend told me that if he were forced to kill either his cat or me, he'd kill me because he "would never kill an animal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 571
You deserved it 6 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder what his choice would be if it was his life or the cats.


Well technically humans are animals so...

Chewiebhz 15
suprabuddha 10

So typical of a certain phenotype

Well, you're dating a Vegan so you can expect such awnser...

obviousboy 8

You're definitely both animals.

sioux4 17

Humans are technically animals though...

Let me guess: You asked him this stupid "gotcha" question trying to provoke or trick him into making some possibly anti-vegan sentiment and didn't like the answer. You don't respect him or his choices, so you want to "catch" him and use that as ammo against all vegans. Maybe you shouldn't ask stupid questions like this, OP. YDI.

jem970 19

Thats an awfully big assumption... you know what they say about assuming #91....

91, you seem a little defensive. And it doesn't seem like it's for the animals.