By Anonymous - 12/12/2011 03:33 - United States

Today, my wife and I had a huge fight. I was getting ready to go to sleep on the couch when she came downstairs and grabbed a very large metal spoon. I'm afraid to go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 958
You deserved it 4 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP and wife fought OP went downstairs to couch OP's wife grabbed spoon Spoon can be used to hurt people OP afraid

Well since OP isn't sleeping in the same bed with her, she probably wanted something to spoon with! :P


lol looks like something I would do. Grab a spoon that is. Not to actually use it but just to freak the other person out.

You Look like you could do damage without a spoon.

Why is it always the guy who sleeps on the couch? Equality my ass.

Why is it that a guy can fall asleep at the drop of a hat? Me? I can't sleep if I've been in an argument hours later! Lol

my husband and i our both so stubborn niether of us ever sleep on the couch. i dont care how mad we get at each other. we both refuse to give up comfort cause one or the other is acting like a bastard/bitch.

boardforlife 0

**** girls and their power struggle I hope one day shit goes back to how it's supposed to be... Males on top females not even noticed unless we want the pussy

She's probably going to use said spoon to cook up a fatty shot of heroin...that's what I would do if I was ticked off!

FYLDeep 25

She's going to scoop you out.

"SPANKYY TIME, HONEYY >;D Ooh you've been a naughtyy naughty boy! Nghhhh uhh yaaa WHOPWHOPWHOP!"

ibitehard 9
diana199418 0

Haha wow yur weird. (that's a good thing) ;D

Oooh dear. Always be afraid when a woman picks up a spoon.

She'll be down later after you're asleep to grab a tub of ice cream!

Ozone1232 5

Protect your eyes and watch your back. For they may be gouged out.

She's just going to spoon herself. Don't worry too much, OP!

ramboman19 8

Why is it always the husband that gets the damn couch?!