By Anonymous - 19/05/2013 18:33 - Canada - Calgary

Today, my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She's perfect in every way, except for her birth mark. It's under the corner of her left eye and looks almost exactly like a prison teardrop tattoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 830
You deserved it 7 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Hey don't worry, she's your daughter and you should love her anyway and it'll just make for an interesting story.

KingGeorgeGal 12

That's not a big deal. You should just be happy that the baby is healthy!


At least she'll be the toughest girl in her neighborhood.

rg350dx 29

"Damn son! That baby's hard as ****!" As you stroll your baby on by. Ain't no one mess with prison baby. Ain't no one...

flockz 19

they took my rattle. i rattled their bones.

She didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose her.

i think OP is more worried about what will happen when she grows up. Kids/teens can be cruel and adults can be judgemental

Well, seeing as it looks like a tear drop tattoo, I don't think anyone would be messing with her! I'd be as nice as I can be to her, just in case it is real. :P

I feel bad for that poor baby. When she starts school she'll probably have to wear make-up over it just to keep from getting teased. I used to have a birthmark shaped like a... well... male organ on my arm. It eventually faded as I got a tan, but until then I covered it with makeup. That made the tan take longer though.

My cousin had a baby with a huge strawberry birthmark on her forehead they eventually had it removed. You never know how it will look as she grows it'll change shape and stretch or distort with her skin growth. I have one right below my right eye close to the bridge of my nose and it was close to the cheek bone when I was a kid

Why is this downvoted? I think it is a perfectly reasonable comment to make. Teasing is wrong and may well not happen. I think the birthmark could be very pretty and special but it is true that pupils look for anything to tease people about. Hopefully though it will be fine.

She will fit in at prisons :D naah jast kidding, poor girl she might get huge apparence issues because of that :/

Seems like you have major spelling issues.

Perhaps but not everyone has English as their 1st language, ask me in Swedish and I won't be as bad so please can everyone just stop judging people who do some spelling mistakes!!

It means that your daughters going to be a bad ass

You should be able to love your child no matter what flaw she may have!

Congratz on the baby. I think it's kinda cute that she has it. No one will mess with her on the playground

the wording on this makes me wonder about your desire to be a parent. you make it sound like a) your wife did it all without you. she did not give birth to some girl, she and you together made a child. and b) you seem to be blaming your wife for an "imperfection", as if a birthmark made your daughter less perfect, or less lovable, or somehow less worthy as a human being. you may not have meant it like this, but that's how it comes across to me

iShanny 13

I'm really not sure how you got any of that from the FML...

I wonder how, especially for the "blaming" part.

You over analyze everything just like my English teacher...

RedPillSucks 31

That'll be the title of her debut rap album

She did nine months time and has the mark to prove it lol

Wow if that was my birth mark I would use it to my advantage