By smith - 28/01/2012 03:13 - United Kingdom

Today, my wife made a joke about the size of my package, so figuring all's fair in love and war, I bought some laxatives to prank her with. They took a lot longer to work than I thought, and I ended up lying in bed, listening to my wife shitting her guts out in the bathroom for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 407
You deserved it 57 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hm well I think your wife should be the one writing this FML, you know since she's practically ******** fire in there...

YDI for giving your wife laxatives just because she made fun of your tiny wiener .


taytay7878 0

Wow that was pretty mean! Learn to take a joke dude

taytay7878 0

What you did only proves her point. Only a man with tiny junk would do something like that, just because he wants to feel bigger and better he cannot be civilized

People with a small penis do have a tendency to ever compensate in other areas... Looks like area is jokes

dick. thats waaaaay over the equal fairness line.

anthonydude 9

Yeah, doesn't quite work as fast as it does in the movies.

You took it way to far. YDI next time just let it slide

jman3113 4

That's was a shitty prank.... Haha ZING!!!!!

This is what happens when I tease my husband: Me: hey, you have a small dick! Him: hey, you're a total ****! Then we laugh and no one gets sick. You guys are doing it wrong.