By smith - 28/01/2012 03:13 - United Kingdom

Today, my wife made a joke about the size of my package, so figuring all's fair in love and war, I bought some laxatives to prank her with. They took a lot longer to work than I thought, and I ended up lying in bed, listening to my wife shitting her guts out in the bathroom for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 407
You deserved it 57 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hm well I think your wife should be the one writing this FML, you know since she's practically ******** fire in there...

YDI for giving your wife laxatives just because she made fun of your tiny wiener .


Reality_bites 14

Yeah great communication skills you have there. Your wife jokes about something and instead of just telling her you dont thinks its funny and talking about it, you resort to giving her laxatives and then complain when you have to listen to her dumping her guts in the bathroom for an hour? Asshole. Did you even ask her of she was alright at any point during that hour?

Yep. Next time, just retort with a comment that targets her physical status, especially if it's something you know she's self-conscious about.

msjoyfull84 0

I hope she stunk out your whole house.

Don't you know laxatives never work the way you want them too!! Dumbass.

That is not ok. You are an adult. You should know better to mess with stuff like that, you asshole.

What, are you 12?? It must be true what she said or you wouldn't have overreacted. YDI hardcore.

KiddNYC1O 20
06rubiandrea_fml 5

OP you are an asshole! You are suc a dick you can't even handle a joke from your wife...