By pirsquared - 28/01/2012 01:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 02:39 - United States
By mathguy - 03/05/2012 12:16 - United States - Green Bay
By still single - 06/08/2015 01:22 - Brazil - Santa Maria
By ImAnEngineer - 23/09/2015 17:09 - United States - Canandaigua
Now we know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall
By Anonymous - 16/05/2019 20:25
By jibjab - 11/01/2009 16:46 - Canada
By hopelesscollegestudent - 21/09/2012 16:22 - Canada
Turn left into the lake
By Anonymous - 13/03/2023 22:00
By aviators - 07/04/2009 18:37 - United States
By anonymous - 21/11/2012 18:16 - United States - Tucson
Top comments
To smart for the basic stuff!
^Too smart to know the difference between "too," and "to."
No no no! Smart is a verb! I see where you're coming from though. To nazi for the basic stuff.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayBut phd students get PAID!
A master's is more than enough unless you want to do research or teach.
*Too Sorry, had to do it.
Looks like you're TOO smart for basic spelling of the English language.
I didn't take any of that fancy math and I add in my head bitches!
56, you do realize that pre calculus is times tables for OP, right?
Who cares why the OP is going for the PhD. Good job for not just doing the bare minimum!
As an engineer, I can tell you that you'll probably never stop looking up "basic" equations. being an engineer is more about creatively solving problems than remembering a few equations.
Pi(r)^2's actually area
The circumference is actually pi*D or 2piR
Why the **** am I being thumbed down for saying the right answer, while others, who have done the same, are not? Do you people have something against your dirty old uncle?
You do realize that now that you complained about it everyone's going to thumb it down for kicks and giggles right?
Yeah; thumb me down! I live off of it; it's like air for me!! I can't ******* get enough of it! I'm hooked, like a fat kid on chocolate cake!
That is quite literally what was already up ^=E on a calculator, either will perform the same function
45 , hes right and there is no difference the pronuneral 'e' is unnessecary, i have been seeing you commenting around here lately and you really have to shut up, you attention *****.
Jimster - thank youuuuuuuuu. amen to that.
You got that half right, I talk too much and it translates into my comments, yes, but I've looked very deeply into my soul, I even hired a PI to check out deep dark secrets I know nothing about. I learned I have an irrational fear of cotton candy, when I was four I thought a parakeet was going to kill me and ever since I love bunt cake, and that my subconscious is cheating on me, but nowhere did I find even a tiny scrap of attention *****-ness. Sure the signs are there, but they indicate something far stranger than what you are picking up. Sorry, try again?
OMG bizarre why are you still on fml, stop trying
So which one: ? r ^2 or 2 ? r ? Haha. I love circles!
8, I learned this song in 8th grade about circumference, maybe it will help you. "Twinkle twinkle little star, circumference equals 2(Pi)(r)!"
On my calculators E=10^x so Pi*rE2 is wrong...
Sometimes we forget stupid stuff xD don't worry, its Pi(R)squared
Your profile pic! HAHAHAHAH!
^2 is to the power of two. To the power of two is also referred to as a number squared. Nice try. manuals are not the answer (no pun intended). I'm an ME senior and appalled at how many...idiots...have made it this far using those, but maybe you just had a brain fart, I don't know. However, a word of advice: depending on which discipline it is, we usually just say (pi/4)D^2 because working with diameters is often more convenient.
I don't blame yah. With all the formulas we have to memorize, sometimes you forget the simple ones.
This!! So many numbers going through my head I forget everything!
You better switch majors, quick!
Communications major: the polar opposite of civil engineering.
"Doctor, I'm ready for my heart transplant." "Hang on, let me Google how to do it first." You deserve it.
Too bad engineers don't save lives on split second decisions
Whoah. I had to google that shit yesterday for my math exam this morning. Im in grade 10 though.... fyl :D
I had to sneak out during an exam to look it up on my iPhone.. I'm in college, though.
Wow that's even more strict then airport security. Not like you have a bomb switch on you.
Well it's not that shocking, in my school, during the national exams (done at the end of o-level and a-levels), we have the police over... But in regular exams, nah!!
^congratulations. Now, go **** yourself.

To smart for the basic stuff!