By supapimpin - 25/09/2012 15:09 - United States

Today, my wife of four years revealed to me that she once had sex with six men at once back in college. Apparently she still fantasizes about it when we have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 238
You deserved it 3 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would bother anyone who has a girlfriend or a wife. Regardless of when it happened.


Boob_fml 6

It is hard finding a decent girl. And women wonder why men treat them like objects...

Epikouros 31

How literally did she mean 'at once'? Two in each hole? That's ambitious.

skulltorn 8

Can't turn a Hoe into a house wife, but you can turn a house wife into a Hoe...... Weird =

Just get 5 men to join your guys next time.

^ I always wondered how that was possible? Even a threesome seems odd to me? I just want to know how this would all go down? Does ops husband ask five of his guy friends or just random dudes? What do you say to someone; "Hey do you want to come over to my house and have sex with me and the Mrs.?" that has to be awkward.

dump that gangbangin ho. if she fantisizes then shell hop on the first group screw she's offered.

Arcangel196 0

Damn it's gotta suck go be you hahahaha.

You should watch Chasing Amy for some perspective. To me, there's nothing hotter than a woman who likes sex and isn't ashamed of it. Can't say I'm surprised at all the ****-shaming going on here, though.

Lucious306 7

Dang she was straight up in a porno! That must be difficult to live up to

InvisibleEar 1

Here how it goes: Boobs: 1 Ass: 1 That place: 1 Mouth: 1 Hands: 2 _____________ = 6

soyeah_whatsup 4

Your wife was a **** in college... yeah I said it.