By Anonymous - 07/04/2012 19:40 - United States

Today, my wife sent me to the store to pick stuff up so we could make BLTs. I got the bacon, but couldn't remember what else went into them, so I bought an avocado and napkins. When I got back home, my wife very slowly and sarcastically explained what BLT stands for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 812
You deserved it 53 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loller27 6

dude what did you think it meant


I don't know my Blt consists of a pound apple wood smoked bacon home style real mayo and lightly toasted bread.

sweetmama88 6

OMG you for got the bacon ! Lol

smb12346 17

He clearly stated "I got the bacon"

You guys rock. I vote for Ukrainian food: perogies ftw!

nosnipeforyou 9
mrtjawesome 14

big lazer terrorist? no. bad lettuce taco? no not that either. WHAT COULD IT BE? O.0