By phobopohobia - 06/02/2009 22:09 - United States

Today, my wife told me that if she had a penny for every time I had brought her to climax she'd have change for a nickel. We've been married for 16 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 270
You deserved it 12 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either she's an idiot for never bringing it up sooner, or you're as dense as a brick for not being able to gauge her reactions/responses.

Same as the others said. If she never said anything about it before, **** her life; she should have told you.


loveyahun 0

Lmao... I made my girl climax a lot of times. It's not that hard. You obviously aren't pleasuring her the right way.

mayb she's just a massive dumbass blond and thins that a nickel is 1million pennies..

jussjess 0

Lmfao @ # 6. I almost fell off my bed laughing. Haha.

babyguns143 5

Are you rich? At least you know she isnt just sticking around for the sex...

the key is clitoral stimulation. orgasms are NOT vaginal.

They absolutely can be, but most women need clitiorial stimulation to ******.

Kade20 4

Just sad. But funny! Hahahaha.

Uh, you might want to work on that. I typically get 3-4 orgasms in a WEEK. My hubby prides himself on it.