By wounded pride, intact cock - 17/01/2015 18:49 - United States

Today, my wife wanted me to take her to a new restaurant in town. When I looked it up and saw their prices, I almost had a heart attack. When I said it was too expensive, she snapped "Maybe you'd like to look up 'Lorena Bobbitt' next?!" We went to the restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 639
You deserved it 6 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juturnaamo 29

She recently died in s car accident. Some dick cut her off.

Some crazy bitch who chopped off her husband's penis.


YDI for not immediately getting out of the relationship. You are just asking for it staying with someone who threatens to cut your genitals off.

CaroAurelia 12

Uh... is she always like that? Not that that's an okay threat to make once, but if she's always like that, RUN RUN RUN.

Wow. That was a pretty bitchy thing to do. I'm sorry, dude.

GoogieWithers 22

Leave her. Make sure you leave when she is out, so all your bits are still attached!!!

YDI because you allow yourself to be treated like that.

So he deserves it because his wife is threatening to castrate him? ******* sexist piece of shit.

TaylorKopacz 13

You're taking everything so seriously. it's honestly hilarious. do you have some experiences you wanna share with the class?

gintwinsmoore 20

Relax...he deserves it because he should've checked that bitch a long time ago!!!! Has nothing to do with being sexist...he needs to grow a pair before she cuts them off!!!!

80, 92, 114 You all act like it's SOOOO easy to get out of an abusive relationship. It's not. It can be mentally/emotionally paralyzing sometimes when you try. And yes, that's my experience that I'm sharing with the class.

Also, it can be dangerous to get out of an abusive relationship. Most people who are killed by abusive partners are killed after they leave because the abuser has that "if I can't have you no one can" attitude. Plus, abusers are really good at isolating their victims from friends and family leaving them with no one to turn to if they decide to leave. It's not easy

92, Okay, what if I was to say I find it HILARIOUS when men beat women and chop off their ****? It`s so funny huh?

Celfyndel 16

What a brat. If she wanted to go, she should pay. Not threaten you.

TaylorKopacz 13

I joke around with my boyfriend with threats all the time, though never that severe. those who are saying to leave her, you don't have enough information on whether or not she was joking. plus if op was a gentleman he would pay anyway, as my boyfriend never let's me pay for meals (though I do anyway).

So OP isn't a "gentleman" because he didn't want to spend money on an overly expensive restaurant once? Maybe and OP's wife would get along. You both sound stuck up.

91- That's ridiculous. Why should the guy always have to offer to pay for the whole thing? Surely the logical thing to do would be to go half and half, that's what me and my boyfriend do. It's not fair that one partner should have to pay for every meal in order to be "a gentleman". Also "my boyfriend never let's me pay for meals (though I do anyway)" makes no sense.