By wounded pride, intact cock - 17/01/2015 18:49 - United States

Today, my wife wanted me to take her to a new restaurant in town. When I looked it up and saw their prices, I almost had a heart attack. When I said it was too expensive, she snapped "Maybe you'd like to look up 'Lorena Bobbitt' next?!" We went to the restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 639
You deserved it 6 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juturnaamo 29

She recently died in s car accident. Some dick cut her off.

Some crazy bitch who chopped off her husband's penis.


Does anyone else recall that John Wayne Bobbit (the husband) became super famous afterwards for having reconstructive surgery to restore his penis & then became a **** star though? Lol

Seems like debt is going to be piling up. Good luck buddy.

Do you hear what I hear? The cracking of a whip.

Nope, I hear a fellow man in danger and a psycho wife who is threatening to castrate him, thanks.

Look up divorce lawyers instead. She's abusive and money-hungry.

afallingstar 22

Should have made the next search for some mental help for her...if she's going to threaten your man hood over something as trivial as that she has issues.

blackvyper 8

You should tell your wife that John Wayne Bobbitt went on to become a pornstar after that.

Honestly OP, I would have called her bluff. I would have recorded the ensuing conversation, then made a show of calling the police because thats borderline domestic violence (actual if she were to attempt, god forbid succeed in mutilating you). Head that shit off at the pass OP, she needs to learn that threatening to mutilate you, or any threat at all, is not an appropriate method of getting what she wants.

If she's threatening to hurt you then you need to leave.

Hey, OP, that is seriously abusive behavior. Has your wife threatened you or harmed you before? You might want to see a counselor, and if there's a pattern of abuse in your relationship, get out! It's not worth staying with someone who controls you with cruelty and fear. Take care of yourself!

Xandrick 22

Wow....just wow. That's a major violent threat, and not to be taken lightly. I'd get a restraining order for that. There are many times when "leave/divorce him/her" is rather hasty. But this time, you should definitely say, "Bye Felicia."