By wounded pride, intact cock - 17/01/2015 18:49 - United States

Today, my wife wanted me to take her to a new restaurant in town. When I looked it up and saw their prices, I almost had a heart attack. When I said it was too expensive, she snapped "Maybe you'd like to look up 'Lorena Bobbitt' next?!" We went to the restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 639
You deserved it 6 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juturnaamo 29

She recently died in s car accident. Some dick cut her off.

Some crazy bitch who chopped off her husband's penis.


"Maybe you'd like to look up Chris Brown next?"

OP you need to have a serious talk with your wife and definitely consider counseling. If the genders were reversed OP would probably have a police report on his hands.

I can hear the whip cracking from here. Good luck, man!

Have her get the table then ditch. There's plenty of time to pack your bags while she's walking home. :-D

Don't be afraid of her! She sounds like an awful person, maybe you should talk to her about this behavior. If chooses to continue acting like that, it may be worth looking into divorce. Living with somebody who threatens you to get what they want is a form of abuse!

Well, don't be stingy then. Christ, it's one ******* meal.

One meal at some restaurants costs a hell of a lot of money, especially for two people. Not everyone can afford things like that.

Why is everyone giving him shit? He's not "whipped" for wanting to make her happy, but she sure seems to be acting like a bitch.

Take her then leave...she never said you had to stay.

For those who didn't look it up or don't know, Lorena Bobbit was a woman who cut off her abusive husband's junk and threw it out her car window as she drove away. So OP's wife was threatening to cut his dick off just for not wanting to spend an outrageous amount of money on dinner. Because that's totally a rational reaction.