By boo8713 - 28/11/2012 06:06 - United States - Bell

Today, my wife wants to name our first child Siri, after the iPhone function. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 472
You deserved it 2 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I hope your first child is smart, because people are going to be asking him/her a shit load of questions

Amazing. Your child will be talking since the birth.


I think its way better than naming ur child hashtag, which someone really did!!

TheComputerGuy96 16

Siri doesn't necessarily have to be a girl. It can also be a boy's name. The UK version of Siri is a male.

Siry was a character from the series Pendragon and one of my favorites

Steve95401 49

As fast as technology changes, Apple will move on to another system, with a different name, before the child is old enough to start school.

perdix 29

It OK for a girl -- it's not like we need another Ashley or Brittany (perfectly nice names, to be sure, but little overused, in my opinion.) For a boy, you should try Stevejobs.

yusaku02 20

I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy (regarding the boy's name).

These days girls are named Isabella and Sophia. -_-

You could always go on your iPhone and ask Siri if that's a good name for your future child. Wonder what she'd say?

That would be AWESOME! Do it! Kids with unique names are typically not picked on