By jelrid - 13/07/2016 04:38 - United States - Holt

Today, my worst fears were realized as an insect pinged off the back of my mouth while I was singing along to the radio on my motorcycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 927
You deserved it 3 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I imagine the insect's worst fears were realized as well...

Little fella just wanted to hear your singing better was all.


The notes of a sour lemon, sent them to the black hole.... Poor bugs, may you swallow them in peace..... My I suggest you hummmm next time...The cleric is hard at time

Isn't the sound of the exhaust all the music you need?

Actually, my bike is pretty awesome!

Shame on you for listening to Music on your bike and double shame on you for (apparently) not wearing a helmet!

Not all helmets are full faced, and you can get little devices that go inside the helmet for communications and music. Also, bigger bikes come with speakers and radios.

As some feedback seems to be in order: First of all, my bike is actually a large motor scooter, but pretty much all my friends refer to it as a motorcycle. I almost always wear a helmet when I'm out and about, but I was cruising home from work, and it was out in the country where pretty much nobody lives, so I figured I was probably fine. And the insect in question was, in fact, a honey bee. Many of the fields in the area use portable hives to help pollinate their crops.

A butterfly launched itself at my eye today. Thank God I was blinking!