By Anon - 10/06/2012 04:19 - United States

Today, neither of my parents fought for my custody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 902
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vaughant 5

That's terrible OP I'm sorry

AngelicTide 11

Sorry OP. it's their lose not yours! Count it as a blessing that you're not stuck with two people not worthy of being your parent.


I am very sorry to hear that. You should talk to your counselor at school. I know this is in no way close to how you must feel, but my parents made it clear they liked all of my siblings more then me. Try to realize that you can be a great person and have an amazing future despite them. Try to learn from the mistakes of your parents so that you can become a better person then them. And most of all, don't give up. Life gets better. Remember; Those that matter, don't mind. And those that mind, don't matter.

llamaduckllama 1

I'm sorry OP. parents going through divorces sometimes act like total assholes and don't think of the kids. Mine are divorcing too and both parents try to make me think the other is evil. Try staying with relatives for a while. Hope it all works out

Yea I saw this on twitter, not believing it.

MyWorldAway 0

They fought for who keeps you. Just they were voting for the other team. JK but rlly that sucks OP.

That's off bad luck Brian on twitter the tweet is parents get devorced, no one frights for custody

skibzmonkey 3

What stupidass parents! They Need to go to counseling or something...

TheBedMonster 5

Wow darling. I am really sorry about that. They are losing something truly amazing!!!

Wow an actual legit fml I feel so bad for you OP stay strong I would keep you as a brother