By Anon - 10/06/2012 04:19 - United States

Today, neither of my parents fought for my custody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 902
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vaughant 5

That's terrible OP I'm sorry

AngelicTide 11

Sorry OP. it's their lose not yours! Count it as a blessing that you're not stuck with two people not worthy of being your parent.


I'm sorry to hear it. But I feel your pain. My parents used me and my sister as weapons to hurt each other till the day they died.

Maybe they are sharing custody ( 50/50). It's easier than one fighting for full custody.

So, I take it that you wrote this from a box. On a serious note, I sincerely hope that things look up for you. Show them that you are worthy -- not by begging them, of course -- but by making yourself happy and successful. That's the ticket. |the kid|

I think that is a good thing. Just because they divorced doesn't mean they don't live you. Perhaps by not "fighting" over custody they both felt like whichever of them was awarded custody would treat you right. Loving parents wouldn't want to drag their kids thru the mud! Maybe you should try asking them.

alezi 0

Sorry op, it's a shame we can't pick our parents. Get your revenge by putting them in a home when they're older!

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!! They must not recognize what a great person you are

Idsay **** you and **** you then elave go live woth a family member till your parebts get their shit together


That is just ****** up. Neither of ya parents want u? Smh

klimp5488 3

"Honey... Our divorce is 100% your fault. If it weren't for you we would stay happily married."