By Anon - 10/06/2012 04:19 - United States

Today, neither of my parents fought for my custody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 902
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vaughant 5

That's terrible OP I'm sorry

AngelicTide 11

Sorry OP. it's their lose not yours! Count it as a blessing that you're not stuck with two people not worthy of being your parent.


noisebox 1

Wow that's a bad break, I fought for my daughter and she's stabbing me in the back and going to live with mom....

noisebox 1

It's their loss not yours but still it does not someone fell good. Just try to keep your head up and do the things you need to make your life good for you whatever that is like getting a good education....

I'm sorry kid. Ironically neither of mine fought for it today either :(

Aww I'm so sorry my heart actually sunk reading this

I feel you, OP. A year back, I found out that the only reason my parents have joint custody of my brother and I is because my dad didn't want custody of us and my mom refused full custody. It sucks, doesn't it?

You just got this off of a comic on Memebase. It was on the front page about a week ago.

lopecrit 7

Tht sucks, but I don't feel sorry for. You will grow from this!

GaAtl 1

What does OP mean? I'm new to FML :)

Original Post. It is a reference to the FML your reading. Also, you may notice people using numbers. These are comments about a previous post with that number. As an example: If you look at the top of the comments, several people start off their comment with 90 -.