By Anonymous - 30/03/2011 23:53 - United States
Same thing different taste
Not the one
By Anonymous - 27/10/2019 16:00
By bubblegum92 - 29/06/2013 08:02 - Australia - Perth
By Wowfmylife - 19/08/2009 03:59 - United States
By nyx - 27/09/2014 08:16 - United States - San Francisco
Which way now?
By Nadia - 03/03/2025 08:00 - United States
By Nalya - 27/12/2008 10:26 - France
By fmlfmlfml - 11/10/2011 14:22 - United Kingdom
By mylifesucks - 18/04/2009 07:20 - Netherlands
Mind your own business, lady
By walkingonsunshine - 22/01/2010 00:14 - France
By ididntdoanythingaight - 02/08/2009 19:04 - United States
Top comments
what does OP mean?
Obscure Penis
When I first made an fml account I didn't know what op meant but I used this thing called Google it only took (0.09 seconds) of my life and there was About 1,710,000,000 results.
Hey baby, want to uhh, go for a ride?
instead of writing the book on how you figured it out don't you think it would have been just as easy to say what it was.
after using google and taking less than 0.09 seconds of my life, while 1,710,000,000 results were displayed, I clicked on some and found out: 1) yes, I WOULD like some penis enhancements 2) OP = Original Poster
optimus prime
optimistic pedophile
orgasmic pony
combo breaker >:-D
let's try again. 50 is a OP. old proctologist
hahahahaha that was actually the perfect time for a "your mom" joke.
18 lol but pointless 47 op not ap lol
organ peeler.
lol OP needs to quit whining. OP standing for Optimistic Pansy.
Orbital Phasers
Old Pancakes =p
you called?
how about some offspring… original prankster
offer pity, sorry I just wanted to belong :P
organic pineapples.
YDI for thinking of marriage by 21. That is way too young to be making those kinds of decisions, marriage shouldn't be talked about until 25 at the earliest.
orphan ****!!!
Olive Piss
odorless pussy :]
I agree with #26, but sometimes stupid questions deserve stupid answers.
hang on a second so i read this whole thing and not once did i hear the proper meaning of OP??? ohhhwww :(
129 you realize it's THEY'RE. You're not too bright yourself.
thats sad :( but obviously wasn't meant to be! you'll find someone else! :) look at the bright side of things..
blame it on the a a a a a alcohol!...
what brightside
if u love someone enough that u want to spend the rest of ur life with them then it doesn't really matter how old u are (within reason)
Doubly agreed.
Gypsy, do not trick me! Give me your tears or I will take.
A gypsy indeed
He's an ass!!!
Ouchhh, that's awful. Karma will get him back. And as for you OP, you'll find the right guy. :)
OP won't ever find a guy if she keeps bo
bitter? your young try to move on. really, just give it a shot. plus you need to not settle for the first dude you have sex with. enjoy! men are wonderful.
you should add the word SOME men are wonderful many arent but many are
Go and insert your fist into his ass. You will feel better, I promise.
I mean, the man you loose it to won't always be your husband. if you can say it was worth it, then that's what counts IMO. you're too young to get married Op, don't feel too bad. you have your whole life ahead of you. most men lie about those stuff, let it be an experience.
words of wisdom from junior high, eh?
Give her a break.
Who cares how old number 11 is? I only disagree with 'most men lie about that stuff' (generalisation and so), but I agree with the rest of her comment, no matter what her age might be. Words of wisdom from college.
Naaaaah. Most men don't "lie about this stuff". Most men delude themselves into thinking what they want to believe....women do too, so maybe I should say "most people". I remember my first GF, and how I sincerely meant it when I said "I'll love you forever, we should get married!". In hindsight, that would have been a horrible horrible decision and I'm happy things turned out the way they did.
#96, "words of wisdom" from a Freshman... :) oh and sorry if the 'most men lie' part offended any of you. I didn't really mean all, but yeah you get the point.
It's lose*** not loose.

I'm sure your relative regretted asking you this and wished they had just asked the real question they wanted to pose in the first place: "Would you please pass the potato salad?" Single at 21? BFD! You've got about 14 good years to find a good man. If you want kids, you should get a bit panicky at around age 35 and then settle for any douchebag that can produce viable sperm.
thats sad :( but obviously wasn't meant to be! you'll find someone else! :) look at the bright side of things..