By KillMeNow - 18/10/2011 16:08 - United Kingdom

Today, on my first day of being a trainee teacher in a classroom, I told a boy to stop using that stupid accent or else I'll give him a detention. Turns out he just moved here from Romania. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 780
You deserved it 74 137

Same thing different taste


It never crossed your mind that he could've been from another country?

philliesfan983 1

congrats on scarring a kid for life teach

technochik3 12

Kids are just being kids and trying to have fun. So what if the accent may be fake or not, you can easily look up their records to see where they're from or talk to the parents. You don't need to threaten detention to a kid just because you ASSUME he's faking his accent.

In high school, my math teacher was Romanian. She was a horrible teacher and everyone hated her. I don't know if this is racist or not, but now Romanian accents always remind me of calculus.

I don't think u scarred him for life. NICEeeeee

Coccinelle_fml 15

So you've never met anyone with an accent before????