By KillMeNow - 18/10/2011 16:08 - United Kingdom

Today, on my first day of being a trainee teacher in a classroom, I told a boy to stop using that stupid accent or else I'll give him a detention. Turns out he just moved here from Romania. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 780
You deserved it 74 137

Same thing different taste


Wow... I feel bad for the kid, but it's not your fault for not knowing where he is from an idiots these day would do Rhodes thins just to be a smart ass. You didn't give him detention and unless your heartless I'm sure you apologized. Bit your fault

Not their fault for not even realizing things like "accents" and "foreigners" actually exist? Nor for even not doing the most cursory investigation to find out the facts before flying off the handle?

caramels55 6
wiredream 0

don't piss off Romanians they'll drain your blood then impale you true story.

cathleen10 1

Please get out of teaching now, you worthless piece of shit.

shaadow363 4