By KillMeNow - 18/10/2011 16:08 - United Kingdom

Today, on my first day of being a trainee teacher in a classroom, I told a boy to stop using that stupid accent or else I'll give him a detention. Turns out he just moved here from Romania. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 780
You deserved it 74 137

Same thing different taste


Wouldn't his name suggest he was a foreigner? Romania.. Come on. As an educator myself I think you screwed up on a professional level.

yeah_notworthit 4

You shouldn't be giving detention to a kid who is playing an accent anyways. Seriously. WTF? Romanian accents are amazing (: not stupid. Way to fail.

This is why I cannot converse with an English person. Sooner or later they're going to utter a racist remark. **** you OP, YDI.

Kind of like the remark you just uttered?

#214 I ain't anti-English, I just don't like to talk to some English people because I know most of them are racist...

You would give a kid detention just because you think he was faking an accent? I hate to see what kind of punishment you would give if the kid did something else like skip class or something

that_nerdy_sock 3

Haha!!! I'm romainian!!! Of course...I can actually speak English :)

There are these two Mexican kids in my Micro class who pretend to have British accents for days at a time, so if the kid didn't LOOK Russian, how was OP supposed to know they WERE? They coulda been white-looking kids making fun of Russians. OP had no way of knowing without asking or finding out. Besides, I'm sure if anybody in that classroom had a sense of humor, they would have forgiven OP and moved on. :3

tweetbaby14 18

The kid is Romanian. Read before you post, fool.

kitsune3 20

way to miss the point, asshole.

huppypuppy 3

That's just being racist like most of the Americans