By KillMeNow - 18/10/2011 16:08 - United Kingdom

Today, on my first day of being a trainee teacher in a classroom, I told a boy to stop using that stupid accent or else I'll give him a detention. Turns out he just moved here from Romania. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 780
You deserved it 74 137

Same thing different taste


bizarre_ftw 21

I can see your future students putting tacks on your chair and having their parents complain that you're racist

Kind of mean on the first day, dontcha think?

CmarieMC23 3
whatwhatbuttbutt 4

I'm guessing you'll be finding another career path, yes?

twaumat 28
Bal00ba 2

I'm Romanina...i don't think this guys is racist....sometimes, things just don't go according to plan. Sure you could've approached the accent part a little better, but hey...sometimes...crap just happens.