By Rita - 10/12/2008 04:58 - France

Today, on the bus, a young high school boy sat down next to me and started to chat me up. I thought it was cute until he asked me which high school I was attending. I'm 27, I'm married, I have a child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 382
You deserved it 6 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should definitely take that as a compliment...this should be a FLOP FML


Why are you complaining? Don't you think that it's a compliment that someone thinks you are a highschooler?! :3

playlist_fml 3

oh yes it must suck to have a young as you said handsome teenager think you are his age that is dumb of you to put it on here that was a complement

greenorange75 8

Take it as a compliment. It means you're young.

P1Nk13 7

fyl??? dang! I'm pretty sure most women would consider this a compliment!! Just think, when you're 40, you'll only look 25 :D

Maybe it's an FML to her because she might've thought, for example, she was put on the same maturity/intellectual level as a 17 year old boy...?

If you went through marriage, having a kid, high school, and college? That should be a compliment

gitaly101 3

If I were you, I'd take it as a compliment :)

I don't get how that's a bad thing .......

Eternal94 10

It a compliment. Just say thank you. I'm 18 but people think I'm 20 or so but I don't care.