By Rita - 10/12/2008 04:58 - France

Today, on the bus, a young high school boy sat down next to me and started to chat me up. I thought it was cute until he asked me which high school I was attending. I'm 27, I'm married, I have a child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 382
You deserved it 6 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should definitely take that as a compliment...this should be a FLOP FML


LoneBooker88 16

You should feel happy that someone would think of you that young!

isn't that a complement that means you don't look old?

franklydizzy 5

waaah i'm a tit and don't get the point of the site :'(

rawr_monster_ 15

Oh that's a compliment! It means you look young!

lol more like f his life...I would love to see his face afterwards lol

wow, I've always been told I look older. Im 21, I'd love that compliment