By ANON - 21/08/2015 06:22 - United States - Mission Viejo

Today, one of my ears randomly went deaf. I went to the doctor, thinking I had an ear infection or something. Turns out that your ears can go deaf entirely without reason, and I now have medication to take to see if I can get any of my hearing back in that ear. I'm only 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 099
You deserved it 1 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, there's a great Deaf community here. You're not alone, and you'll love it here. :)


This happened to me once I was shiting myself didn't know what to do I was home by myself and I'm only 14 years old. I just put a ear bud in there and it stopped.

atomicxsarah 17

You should start learning sign language in case you go deaf in the other ear. Plus sign language is very useful.

Mr_Original_ 11

That sucks man! However, I'm 19 and have permanent hearing loss in my right ear - don't feel shame in your age or disabilities, don't let them define you and definitely take pride that you're alive! Best of luck!

That's horrifying. I hope your hearing comes back

Aww that sucks, same thing happened to me. Hopefully you will be able to regain most of your hearing like I did. Best of wishes!

moshpit11 8

I feel your pain I've been deaf in my left ear since I was 8 due to doctors incompetence

ChiChilalaOMG 10

Yep. I'm only 15. I'm deaf in my left ear. that's exactly what happened to me. I now wear a hearing aid and have hearing electronic devices everywhere around my house and school.

That is the most terrifying thing I've ever read on this website oh my god

I went deaf in one ear in high school for three months too. Worse was when my optic nerve palsied and I went blind in one eye. That took six months to resolve.

I'm trying to see how I can put this without smelling fishy, but from here it's touch and go; don't let that bitter taste in your mouth linger. Here, I'll lend you an ear, now tell me all about it!